Milika Kaho

My progress

I've raised

$1861.40 of my $1155 goal

I've logged

150km of my 150km goal

Support my challenge to help Australian kids in need

I am taking part in The Dream Run to help Australian kids in need achieve their dreams.

1 in 6 Australian children are living in poverty and don’t have equal access to an education. Together, we need to support these kids so they can dream BIG and create a better future for themselves.

So I am taking on this challenge and raising funds for The Smith Family to help children in need make the most out of their education. 

Please DONATE NOW and support my challenge to change the lives of Australian children living in poverty.

Thank you.

My Top Donors

nick Kelly




Tyran Kaho


My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Nick Kelly

Nice Work Missus Kaho!


Kennards Hire Foundation Matched



Have fun wit dis


Kennards Hire Foundation Matched


Tyran Kaho

Your shout for cat food and chocolate milk


Kennards Hire Foundation Matched


Matt Morrow


Kennards Hire Foundation Matched


Milika Kaho


Kennards Hire Foundation Matched


James Millner

Nice work !


Kennards Hire Foundation Matched


Travis Lonnie


Kennards Hire Foundation Matched


Bernadette Taoro Ashin

Go M!


Kennards Hire Foundation Matched


Margaret Kaho


Corey Carn

Solid crisp high five


Kennards Hire Foundation Matched


Zoran Stangolev




Kennards Hire Foundation Matched


Margret Kaho


Kennards Hire Foundation Matched


Rohan Thomas


Kennards Hire Foundation Matched


Drew Petersen


Kennards Hire Foundation Matched


Jono P


Kennards Hire Foundation Matched


Jenny Fahad


Kennards Hire Foundation Matched


Samuel Waters

Sorry it’s not as much as Burkey, I took a pay cut to join this business


Kennards Hire Foundation Matched


Somebody That Follows A Better Footy Team


Kennards Hire Foundation Matched




Kennards Hire Foundation Matched

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